Annual Meeting

Kempley Parish Annual Meeting

Wednesday 23rd May hosted by Bob Earll

38 villagers interested in their village attended an excellent meeting. Many items were raised, priority was given to those topics voted the most important by those attending. Here are brief notes of the items raised.

1. Information and social networks. Our Village Agent Sallyanne Batchelor explained her role, which is to offer help to anyone over 50 on a range of issues. Sallyanne can be contacted on 01989 720388. The possibility of a village website was discussed which could include a range of topics. However it was acknowledged that a website should not replace real contact.

2. Recycling. There was a strong view that there should be a plastic recycling facility in the village.

3. Litter. Concern was raised at the amount of litter evident in the verges during the winter months. We all have a responsibility to reduce the problem.

4. State of Roads. There was agreement that the condition of many of the local roads is poor and there appears to be a low priority given to their repair. Concern was also expressed at speeding through the village.

5. Time delays for 999 ambulance calls. Examples were given of delays in response time. It is thought that these are caused by the driver's inability to find locations.

6. Pipeline and footpaths. The pipeline work seems to be going smoothly and is scheduled to finish in October 2007.

7. Daffodil weekend 2009. The Daffodil committee is seeking ideas for the 50th anniversary in 2009.

8. Light pollution. Some domestic security lights come on when cars drive past and are angled incorrectly.

9. Gas supply. The new pipeline will not enable a gas supply to be available in the village.

lO.Cheaper oil/calor gas. Thanks to Bob Slater for negotiating a discount with CPL for oil. Bob will now investigate the possibility of discounts for calor gas.

11 .Housing needs survey. A housing needs survey was carried out in 2006 - which did not indicate a need for low cost housing.

Many actions were identified from the discussions and the workload was spread among volunteers.

A raffle raised £34 for the Village Hall. Thanks to all who came to the meeting and to Bob for running it.

Mike Cryer


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